Friday, July 25, 2014

I was married to Bill when I was 18, that was in 1974.
   I know I didn't love him, but life at home was abusive. I married him to get out of the house.

But when you grow up with abuse, you don't recognize that it's wrong and you tend to be with others who are abusive as well.

He never hit me. But his words were every day and they always cut me down. He would tell me that I was not pretty , just cute, because small women aren't pretty they're just cute. He used to tell me I had a big grapefruit head. My head is no bigger than anyone elses.  He never gave me any compliments but always blamed me for everything.

I divorced him when I was 20.

But still not healthy minded .. he contacted me again when I was 28. I moved in with him and his young son. And the abuse started all over again.
His son was a little monster. I'm not a fighter and I'm not into yelling.. and I tried to treat his son in a decent manner. But when his son did things, like peed the bed every night I was the one who got yelled at.

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